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Monday, April 23, 2012

Must read: HN News Alert_4.23.12

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So that through them The האור Lightרפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

HebrewNation news alert  
brought to you from Hebrew Nation Radio and

Walking in Torah Ministries 
Monday, April 23, 2012
Iyar 1, 57721
1st  day second biblical month, 6012
16th day of Counting of Omer
April 22nd, 2012_ New moon sighted in Israel


Greetings to the Hebrew Nation community!  This week we have seen rapid fire Executive Orders come forth out of the White House, first, with the power grab to seize control of the Natural Gas industry on 4/16/12, and then, on 4/18/12, yet another power grab to seize control of the Oceans. The man who occupies the oval office no longer bothers to go through Congress anymore (to him, they are just a "figurehead"). No, he rules by edicts, decrees and executive orders.

Let me see, didn't Netanyahu come up with the phrase, "If it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck...then  IT IS A DUCK!"

If the man who occupies the oval office thinks like a dicator, if he  behaves like a dictator, if he decides and ACTS like a dictator, then.....HE IS A DICTATOR!" Never mind what he says, just look at what he DOES. Never mind the "pretense" of elections--in my opinion, that is a dog n pony show.

Please be sure to read two Hebrew Nation Special Reports:

*Warning: Persecution Coming to a Neighborhood Near You
It is Nazi Germany 1938--AGAIN. What 4 different "witnesses" all shouted from the rooftop this week: America is rapidly sliding into Nazi-like fascism. What is our response? What shall we then do?

100 Tornadoes in the Heartland: Sign of the Coming Whirlwind of the Lord?"
 Could the 100 tornadoes that ripped and roared through a 5 state region within 24 hours be a sign from Abba of yet another hammer blow of His judgment? Is it a sign of the coming "whirlwind of the Lord" that is already roaring through the nations?

And now, I want to close in prayer. It is day 16 in the counting of the Omer (to Shavuot, or Day of Pentecost).  I will pray in my own words from Psalm 66 over you, my dear brethren:

Oh Abba, we shout with joy to you! We sing out the splendor of your name, and lift up the name of the Most High, Yahweh our Elohim. We say to you, Abba, "How AWESOME are your works! Through the greatness of your power, even your enemies will pretend to obey you.
All the earth bows to you and to you alone, Abba. We praise your name.

Let us look back and remember the great works of our Elohim. He does awesome acts toward us, his sons and daughters. Our Elohim turned the sea to dry land, and our spiritual ancestors crossed over into dry land. Abba, what an AMAZING thing if you should do this for us AGAIN!

Abba, we know that you rule by Your power forever.  Your eyes keep watch on the nations. May the rebellious not exalt themselves. Bless our Elohim you peoples! Sound His praise! He keeps us in life and does not allow our feet to be moved.

You, O Abba, are in the process of proving us. You are refining us, even now, as silver is refined. You are the one who brought us into the net; You are the one who lays affliction upon us. You have allowed men to ride at our head: truly we are going through fire and through water;

BUT, after we go through this refining process, Abba, I know that YOU will BRING US OUT to a wide open place of PLENTY and ABUNDANCE.

If I have wickedness in my heart, I know, Yahweh, that you will NOT HEAR. (Selah)

But certainly, Yahweh has heard my cry; He has given heed to the voice of my prayers. Blessed be Yahweh who has not turned away my prayer nor His lovingkindness from me.

In the name of Yeshua HaMashiach,

Amein and amein

Blessings and shalom,

Laura Densmore

P.S. Do you have a HebrewNation News tip? 
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 Warning: Persecution Coming to a Neighborhood Near You 
 emperor_no clothes 
 Do you remember the story about the brave young boy who saw the emperor proudly parading down the streets of his town in what he thought was a golden array of fine new clothing? The emperor had been "duped" by his tailor, and in fact, he was quite naked! Everyone was afraid to speak up and state the obvious: that the emperor was making a fool of himself and parading down the streets without any clothes on! And then the young boy shouted out the simple truth: "THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES!"   It was a ring of bracing truth cutting through the still air like a knife cutting through butter.   

 Well, here we are today. But yet, this is also a flashback to Nazi Germany, 1938.
Nazi hitler 

The war hasn't actually broken out yet, but the atmosphere in the air was full of the coming evil. We have a "dictator" (aka a president) who is now ruling by executive order and completely bypassing the Congress. Rapid fire edicts (aka Executive Orders) he has recently decreed:

*What is the Government buying up? Hollow point bullets designed to rip and tear through flesh (to the tune of 450 million rounds), bullet proof roadside checkpoint booths, and $400,000 in radiation pills     
 So, let's connect the dots. How does this all add up? Like the little boy who shouted, "The emperor has no clothes!" I will now come right out and SHOUT from the rooftop what we already know but only quietly whisper in back rooms:

"We are living in a POLICE STATE NOW with a DICTATOR (man in Oval Office) who is taking us down the road to FASCISM." 

Emperor with no clothes2

Just so you don't think that I am crazy or that I am imagining these things, let's look at the evidence. Torah requires that a matter of truth be established by two or three witnesses. What are others seeing and saying?

This week, we have a number of witnesses shouting from the rooftop that America is now living in an era similar to 1938 Nazi Germany.

Finish the article (Hebrew Nation News, MUST READ) 

Police Using Cell Phones to Track American Citizens
No Due Process, No is a "Free for All"!   

Fox News Special report (2 minutes) 

Police Using Cell Phones To Track American Citizens
Police Using Cell Phones To Track American Citizens

What's the Government Buying? Hollow Point bullets, Hardened Checkpoint booths and Radiation Pills 
 hardened checkpoints  

You can tell a lot about a person by assessing what they purchase. It's called "consumer profiling," and corporations do it all the time. That's how those grocery store loyalty discount programs work, by the way -- they profile your psychology by analyzing what you're buying. From that information, they can target you for coupons, mailers and other marketing campaigns that "magically" speak to your particular interests. It's not magic, of course; it's just behavioral profiling.
So what happens if we profile the purchasing behavior of the U.S. government? What do we find? Bullets, bullet-proof roadside checkpoint booths, and anti-radiation pills.

Finish the article  (Natural News

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All Aboard the Auschwitz Express: People Don't Want to Believe it 
All aboard Auschwitz express

It's hard to imagine an America where the fundamental laws of the land have been stripped away. Those founding principles that, for the better part of two centuries, made America the last bastion of true freedom in the world, so much so that millions of tired, poor, and huddled masses yearned to breathe free on our soil. These God-given rights, inherent to all men - the right to speak our minds no matter the unpopularity of our message, the right to carry a gun for personal protection, the right to be secure in our persons and possessions, and the right to be presumed innocent and not robbed of life or liberty without fair trial - are and have been under assault for decades.

In his latest interview with the SGT Report, forecaster Gerald Celente of the Trends Research Institute warns of the multi-pronged attack on our liberty and suggests we are well on our way to living in a country not dissimilar to that of Hitler's Third Reich. While the signs are all around us and as clear as day to those paying attention, a large portion of our population, like that of Germany in the 1930s, simply doesn't understand what's happening, or they bury their heads in the sand so as to avoid ruffling the feathers of the all powerful and entrenched American Police State.

Finish the article ( 

Obama Power Grab: Executive Order to Seize Control of Natural Gas 
natural gas production      

 While Americans focused their attention on the Colombian controversy involving U.S. Secret Service agents, prostitutes and excessive drinking, President Obama quietly signed his latest Presidential Executive Order.

The Supporting Safe and Responsible Development of Unconventional Domestic Natural Gas ResourcesExecutive Order seeks to create what amounts to a Presidential super committee that will oversee the regulation and development of the 'unconventional' natural gas industry for the purpose of ensuring a long-term natural gas supply for the United States, as well as to do so in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.
A key stated purpose of the Executive Order is to ensure long-term supplies, the President's decree gives the federal government the ability to shut down gas production operations as they see fit, potentially leading to government price fixing and centralized control of an essential natural energy resource.

While the President's Executive Order aims to curtail the unsafe and environmentally dangerous practices of the fracking industry, it further expands government control over our lives through more centralization of power and bureaucracy.

Obama Power Grab: Executive Order to Seize Control of Oceans 
Described by Lawmakers as the "Ultimate Power Grab" Over the Sea 

Globalist Pirates Take Over The Seas
Globalist Pirates Take Over The Seas

Worship with Brad Grooman: The More I Seek You 
Please take a few minutes to pause, Selah, and press into an Intimate Place with Abba through this anointed worship song
The more I seek You - Catch me in Your gaze - medley.wmv
The more I seek You - Catch me in Your gaze - medley.wmv

The National Debt Crisis Could Destroy America 
 Tony Robbins, Ron Paul and Ben Bernanke all Agree on This 
economic collapse4
 If there one thing that Tony Robbins, Ron Paul and Ben Bernanke can all agree on?  Yes, there actually is.  Recently they have all come forward with warnings that the national debt crisis could destroy America if something is not done.  Unfortunately, our politicians continue to spend us into oblivion as if there will never be any consequences.  When Barack Obama took office, the U.S. national debt was 10.6 trillion dollars.  Today, it is 15.6 trillion dollars and it is rising at the rate of about 150 million dollars an hour.  During the Obama administration so far, the U.S. government has accumulated more debt than it did from 1776 to 1995.  The United States now has a debt to GDP ratio of over 100 percent, and another credit rating agency downgraded U.S. debt earlier this month. 

Read more (EconomicCollapseblog)  
100 Tornadoes in the Heartland: Sign of the Coming "Whirlwind of the Lord"? 
   whirlwind of Abba

"Behold, the whirlwind of Yahweh goes forth with in rage, a whirling storm! It bursts upon the head of the wicked (wrong). The burning displeasure of Yahweh shall not turn back until He has done and established the purposes on His heart. In the latter days you shall understand it."   Jer. 30: 23-24

100 Tornadoes in 24 Hours Rip through 5 state Region
WOODWARD, Okla. - The tornadoes were unrelenting - more than 100 in 24 hours over a stretch of the Plains states. They tossed vehicles and ripped through homes. They drove families to their basements and whipped debris across small towns throughout the Midwest. In some areas, baseball-size hail rained from the sky.

Read more (New York Times)
Could the 100 tornadoes that ripped and roared through a 5 state region within 24 hours be a sign from Abba of yet another hammer blow of His judgment? Is it a sign of the coming "whirlwind of the Lord" that is already roaring through the nations?

Sometimes what we see in the natural is a sign pointing out something that is about to happen in the Spirit. Keeping the images of the tornadoes that recently blasted through the central states in your mind, please read the following scriptures that speak about the "whirlwind of the Lord". Then decide for yourself whether there is a connection between the 100 tornadoes that ripped and roared through the heartland of America in 24 hours and the "whirlwind of the Lord". And, one more thing...whenever you see a mention of "sword", think "radical Islam".
Finish the article (Hebrew Nation News)

Ring of Fire Roaring to Life: Earthquakes on US West Coast Coming 
 The US West Coast is Long Overdue for "The Big One" 

 ring of fire2
Does it seem to you like there has been an unusual amount of seismic activity around the world lately?  Well, it isn't just your imagination.  The Ring of Fire is roaring to life and that is really bad news for the west coast of the United States.  Approximately 90 percent of all earthquakes and approximately 75 percent of all volcanic eruptions occur along the Ring of Fire.  

Considering the fact that the entire west coast of the United States lies along the Ring of Fire, we should be very concerned that the Ring of Fire is becoming more active.  On Wednesday, the most powerful strike-slip earthquake ever recorded happened along the Ring of Fire.  If that earthquake had happened in a major U.S. city along the west coast, the city would have been entirely destroyed. On Wednesday, a magnitude 8.6 earthquake struck off the coast of Indonesia and that was rapidly followed by a magnitude 8.2 earthquake off the coast of Indonesia.  

Read more (Right Side News) 

Children Without Shadows, Children Without Tears  
A Song in Honor of Andree Geulen, Who Helped 3,000 Children Escape Nazi Ovens   
 In the summer of 1942, as persecution of Belgium 's Jews began, an underground Jewish group took form in cooperation with the Belgian underground and set out to rescue Jewish children by hiding them in various places around the country. The most active team consisted of twelve-women, mostly non-Jewish, who managed to hide some 3000 children. This admirable clandestine campaign was unique by the complexity of its structure and the degree of its success.The only remaining survivor from the team is Andrée Geulen, and on September 4, a great number of the children who had been hidden, celebrated her ninetieth birthday. The celebration included a screening of a DVD in which singer Keren Hadar performed a song in her honor. The song stirred a great deal of emotion. This song, composed very shortly before the event, arose from an impulse on the part of one of the hidden children - Shaul Harel, who today is a professor of pediatric neurology.

Mademoiselle - Keren Hadar - English
Mademoiselle - Keren Hadar - English

Holocaust Remembrance Day: "The Forgotten People" by Ted Pearce 
Take a Few Moments to Remember Through this Song, and then be Resolved, "NEVER AGAIN!"     

The Forgotten People Ted Pearce
The Forgotten People Ted Pearce


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 The 1260 Report: Watching on the Wall  
Kimberly Rogers of Beastwatch News and Laura Densmore of Hebrew Nation News Alerts team up to bring you News Headlines as it relates to end of days bible prophesies 

1260 report

Stories covered this week:
*Iran Nuclear Talks: Hitting the Snooze Button on the Alarm Clock of Confrontation
*Iran War: staging and preparations for war/Israel says "moment of truth" is near
*Iran says if attacked, nuclear devices will go off in American cities
*Beheading of Christian leader in Mali:  Signs of Rising Beast system
*Decline and destruction of US dollar: impacts on US and global economy
*Rise of Sharia and end of days beast/watching for revived "caliphate" in Middle East
*Obama's Executive Order to take over Natural Gas  

Listen now (Hebrew Nation Radio)

sraeli TV Report Shows Air Force Gearing up for Iran Attack
 Says Moment of Truth is Near 
moment of truth near 

Major Israel TV station on Sunday night broadcast a detailed report on how Israel will go about attacking Iran's nuclear facilities in the event that diplomacy and sanctions fail and Israel decides to carry out a military strike.
The report, screened on the main evening news of Channel 10, was remarkable both in terms of the access granted to the reporter, who said he had spent weeks with the pilots and other personnel he interviewed, and in the fact that his assessments on a strike were cleared by the military censor.
No order to strike is likely to be given before the P5+1 talks with Iran resume in May, the reporter, Alon Ben-David, said. "But the coming summer will not only be hot but tense."
In the event that negotiations fail and the order is given for Israel to carry out an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities, "dozens if not more planes" will take part in the mission: attack and escort jets, tankers for mid-air refueling, electronic warfare planes and rescue helicopters, the report said.

Read more (The Times of Israel)

Tehran Says if Iran is Attacked, Nuclear Devices Will Go Off in American Cities
What?  And Iran Has Been Claiming All Along that the Uranium enrichment is for energy, not bombs....I am shocked!  I am truly shocked! 

nuclear explosion
Kayhan, the influential Iranian newspaper that is under the direct supervision of the Office of the Supreme Leader, reports that if Iran is attacked, there will be nuclear blasts in American cities. Also in the article below, the Fars News Agency, run by the Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps, quotes Behzad Solani, Deputy Director of Iran's Atomic Commission. "Iran will join the world nuclear club within a month." Please investigate. Thank you, Dr. Hugh Cort, President, American Foundation for Counter-Terrorism Policy and Research. 

Tehran: If Iran is attacked, nuclear devices will go off in American cities
This warning, along with an announcement that Iran would join the world's nuclear club within a month, raised the pitch of Iranian anti-US rhetoric to a new high Tuesday, April 13, as 47 world leaders gathered in Washington for President Barack Obama's Nuclear Security Summit.

Read more (

Palestinian Sentenced to Death For Selling House in Hebron to Jews 

Hebron House 

JERUSALEM (JTA) -- Jewish leaders in Hebron have called for international intervention to help the Palestinian man sentenced to death for selling a home near the Cave of the Patriarchs to Jews.
A letter on behalf of Muhammad Abu Shahala, a former intelligence agent for the Palestinian Authority was signed by Hebron Jewish community leaders David Wilder and  Noam Arnon, and addressed to, among others, the secretary-general of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon; U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; the president of the European Council of the European Union, Herman Van Rompuy; and the director general of the International Red Cross, Yves Daccord, among others.
Shahala reportedly was sentenced to death for his part in selling what has become known as the Machpela House to a group of Jews. He reportedly confessed to the sale after torture and was subject to a rushed trial, according to Arutz-7, which cited various news agencies.  

Read more (JTA News) 
Christian Leader Beheaded as Islamists Terrorize Mali 

christian leader beheaded in Mali 

Rev. 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then [I saw] the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received [his] mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Yeshua for a thousand years.    

TIMBUKTU, MALI(ANS) -- A Christian leader has been beheaded and others are being threatened with similar treatment as Islamic militants run amok in Mali, West Africa. Christians have fled the town of Timbuktu in the north of the country where harsh Sharia Law has already been imposed amid reports that churches in Gao, 200 miles to the east, have been completely destroyed.
The news comes in the wake of a military coup in the country, one of the effects of which is that sanctions applied from outside has cut off electricity supplies, further delaying reports of the latest upheavals along with desperate pleas for help.  

Read more (Assist News Service)  

Commentary from HN News editor:  Believe it folks, this is really happening.  
Please keep the believers of Mali in your prayers! This is yet another sign of the rising of the end of days Beast system!  

Stoning will Happen in UK Too if Sharia Law is Allowed 
shariah law

  London: Brutal punishments like whipping and stoning could become widespread in Britain if Islamic Sharia law is allowed to thrive, a member of the House of Lords has warned.

Baroness Cox said a growing number of British Muslims are shunning the official court system in favour of Sharia councils to settle legal disputes.She told a House of Lords conference this could even lead to the destruction of democracy and fuel support for far-right groups like the British National Party, the Daily Mail reported on Wednesday.

Read more (Israel Unity Coalition) 


Sharia Compliancy Forced on Britain: Comply or Be Prosecuted
sharia in UK 
The citizens of Britain must comply with Sharia or face procecution and possible prison. Paul Weston, Chairman of the British Freedom Party, speeks about this issue and the terrorizing of British citizens by their own government's compliance to Sharia.

Video: Paul Weston on Sharia in Britain and the Istanbul Process In this speech Paul Weston address the issue of the ongoing growth of the sharia state in Great Britain. Sharia law is operating in Britain but it is not calling itself sharia.

Today in Great Britain people are going to prison for not being sharia compliant. This will only get worse if Western governments bow, as expected, to the whims of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation when the EU hosts the 'Istanbul Process' later this year.

Read more (also a VIDEO, EXCELLENT, RightSide News) 

Welcome to Belgistan: The New Muslim Capitol of Europe
Sharia is Already Being Implemented in Belgium, France, and UK 
Brigitte Gabriel: "When nations and cultures ignore the early warning signs of the infiltration of radical Islam, they pay a very dear price. The UK has 85 sharia courts. France has over 750 "no go zones," Muslim enclaves where even French police don't enter.

Now the latest-a video of what is happening in Belgium."

Quote from muslim leader in the Youtube clip below: "There is no difference between Islam and sharia. It is just a name. Democracy is the opposite of sharia and Islam. We believe that Allah is the legislator. Allah makes the laws. He is the one who tells us what's allowed and what's forbidden. "

Islam has a religious side; but don't be fooled; it is ABOVE ALL, a POLITICAL system with a FASCIST IDEOLOGY. It's chief aim? To infiltrate and then DOMINATE all other countries with the implementation of SHARIA.

Watch News video below (5 mins, MUST SEE)

Welcome To Belgistan -- The New Muslim Capital Of Europe
Welcome To Belgistan -- The New Muslim Capital Of Europe

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