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Monday, February 27, 2012

El Inglés - Failed State Response to Muslim Paedophile Rape Gangs in the UK

by Frank Kitman
14-part Playlist
From GoV
El Inglés has branched out into the medium of video. The occasion of his effort was the publication last year of a report by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) on the epidemic of “grooming and pimping” cases in major British cities.

The analysis here is timely, given the ongoing trial in Liverpool Crown Court of eleven alleged Pakistani groomers, and the events in Heywood a few nights ago.

CEOP has obviously failed to execute its mandate with competence and due diligence. In the following videos El Inglés explains in some detail just exactly how it has failed, and what the likely consequences of its failure will be. Employing his customary meticulousness and attention to statistical detail, he pulls no punches in his examination of the failure of the social contract in the UK.

He says that he will write more on the same topic in this space at a later date, when he has time. Read the rest on:

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